Benefits of Hemp, Free 2021 Guide


Benefits of Hemp

When you’re trying THC for the first time you may be worried about the right dosage. You may want to get high but not too high so understanding how much to take is very important.

In this dosage guide we’ll be breaking down the different recommended dosage for each product. Also, it’s important to note that the dosage can vary from person-to-person depending on different factors.

So, you finally decided to buy some THC - great! You read the recommended dosage on the back of the product but you’re worried about getting too high.

You’re not alone - trying any form of THC can be scary at first. However, here is what to expect based on other people’s experience.

Keep in mind, these dosage recommendations are for Delta Effex products. Other companies use different amounts of THC and can vary.

Although, the information provided can serve as a general guideline based on recommendations.

Benefits of Hemp - Cartridges

The great thing about Cartridges are the flavors! It’s often said that the Terpenes used are very spot on with the flavor description.

However, this can lead you to wanting to keep vaping resulting in getting too high. If you have any experience using THC you know how fast the high feeling can sneak up on you.

On the contrary, if you don’t have any experience using any form of THC then you may want to take it easy your first time around.

It is recommend taking about 2 puffs - decent hits from the cartridge. Give it some time to settle, usually about 15 - 20 minutes and see how you feel.

If you need more than take 1 more puff or 2 - depending on how you’re enjoying it. Since Delta 8 THC is not as potent as Marijuana, if weed gets you high in 2 puffs - Delta 8 gets you high in 3.

Of course this all depends on your tolerance levels and experience.


Delta 8 THC Cartridge Recommended Dosage

3 puffs1 - 2 puffs


Another vape product with delicious flavors are the Delta 8 THC Disposables. Unlike Cartridges, you don’t need any special device to vape these.

You just open the box, take a hit, and wait a couple of minutes to see how you feel. Also, the amount of Delta 8 in the product can vary from 700 mg - 900 mg depending individual batches.

You will want to follow the same guideline as with the Cartridges - take 2 puffs and wait a couple of minutes.

The biggest difference between our disposables and cartridges, aside from the flavor is that you don’t need any additional device.

This is beneficial if you’re not trying to invest into any special device. Also, once you’re done with the disposable you’re able to discard and buy another one.

Delta 8 THC Disposables Recommended Dosage

3 puffs1 - 2 puffs

Benefits of Hemp - Edibles

One of our most concentrated products is THC Edibles. Each Delta 8 Gummies contains 20 mg of Delta 8 THC.

This means that it doesn’t take much of this product to feel its effects. So, the recommended dosage is half a gummy which is the equivalent of 10 mg.

However, this might still be too intense for first time users. We would recommend taking half of a half - which is roughly the equivalent of 5 mg of Delta 8.

The biggest drawback with this product is that you have to wait for your body to metabolize the Delta 8 THC.

This is because anything that you ingest needs to go through the liver and stomach first before it hits your system.

It might be tempting to take the whole thing especially since you might not feel anything initially. Give it about an hour to an hour and half before you decide to take some more.

Trust us, you don’t want to take too much of this at one time unless you want to feel really high.


Delta 8 THC Edibles Recommended Dosage

Half of a Gummy-A quarter of a Gummy

Benefits of Hemp - Tinctures

A Delta 8 THC Tincture is a concentrated oil that you can take sublingual or ingest in foods. When you’re taking a highly concentrated tincture - a little goes a long way.

Therefore, the recommended dosage is half of the built in dropper, or 50 ml. However, if you’re new to Delta 8 we recommend taking a quarter of the dropper, or 25 ml.

There are 2 ways that you can enjoy a tincture and that is taking it sublingual (under your tongue) or adding it to food or drinks.

You’ll still get the same experience from both methods, but the effects might hit you a lot quicker. When you take it sublingual there are small veins under your tongue that can deliver the Delta 8 into your system a lot faster.

However, if you add Delta 8 to your food or drink, you have to wait for your body to metabolize it before you feel its effects.

Delta 8 THC Tinctures Recommended Dosage

0.50 ml (Half of the dropper)0.25 ml (A quarter of the dropper)

Benefits of Hemp - Flower

If you’re not familiar with what Delta 8 Flower is, it’s basically CBD Flower that has been sprayed with a Delta 8 THC distillate.

A distillate is the Delta 8 extract from the Hemp plant that you can smoke or vape. This creates a unique high because you’re receiving all the properties from the Benefits of Hemp plant, along with Delta 8 THC.

One important thing to note is that Flower includes Terpenes that enhances the flavor. This means that you’re able to enjoy raw-flower that has been infused with Delta 8 and Terpenes.

Also, they are available in different strains like Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid. You’ll want to light up and take 1-3 hits of this.

You should feel its effects within 30 minutes, so wait some time before you decide to start puffing on any more. This could be very strong for someone who is new to THC so start off small.

Infused Hemp Flower Recommended Dosage

Beginner 2 - 3 puffs1 - 2 puffs

Deciding On The Dosage

Like any other product - deciding on the right dosage depends on your tolerance levels. For someone who is experienced with THC in general you might want to increase the dosage a bit.

If THC from Marijuana gets you high in 2 hits then take 3 hits of Delta 8. This is because it’s very similar to Marijuana, but it’s not - it’s Hemp! If you’re new to Delta 8 THC this guide is more for you.

Consider these points before you take a big hit or ingest these products. These products are fun and work great, but we want you to have a great experience.

By: Chris Wheeler
Title: Delta 8 Dosage Guide
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 19:26:42 +0000

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