CBD Oil and Raw Hemp Oil Free Guide 2021



CBD Oil and Raw Hemp Oil

Raw hemp oil and cannabis oil are the two varieties of oils extracted from the same plant. Since they are lumped into a single-family, it is quite confusing to differentiate between these two.

Say goodbye to your confusion because today, I have come up with the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil in this blog post.

Over the past few years, the cannabis plant has been used to mitigate ailments and restore general wellbeing. So it has gained significant popularity among the consumers.

But while the awareness of the cannabis plant's products is at its peak, people are still confused about the difference between famous CBD oil and hemp oil.

CBD essential oil is produced from the flowers, stalks, and leaves of medicinal hemp plants containing a higher cannabidiol concentration.

Simultaneously, the hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of Cannabis Sativa containing no cannabidiol. Hemp oil is rich in fatty acids and other useful nutritional antioxidants. However, both oils have numerous health benefits.

For your better understanding, let's hop into the main discussion.


Health Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil

Hemp drops and CBD oil both have positive effects on our health. Hemp oil is so rich in nutrients such as saturated fatty acids or amino acids that, when added to the nutritional products like yogurt, bread, snack bars, etc. induce several benefits.

On the other hand, CBD oil is also sought to have various health benefits without any psychoactive effects.

Raw Hemp Oil

Nutritional Power:

Medicinal Hemp seeds contain a nutritional power of omega three and omega six fatty acids. It is also an excellent source of minerals, proteins, and vitamins.

Skin Health:

This nutritious oil is tremendously beneficial for the skin. Research suggests that the high lipid profile of hemp seed oil keeps the skin healthy and protects it from breakouts and aging. So topically apply the hemp drops and get a healthy, infection-free skin.



Heart Health:

Natural hemp drops are also good for heart health. The alpha-linolenic acid in the hemp oil has various positive effects of reducing or preventing hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, or other cardiovascular disorders.

Hormone Health: Hemp oil contains GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) that is beneficial for premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

It reduces the prolactin hormone from the body and alleviates the symptoms of PMS and menopause.


Relieves Inflammation And Pain:

CBD oil is a natural pain reliever that reduces stiffness, pain, and inflammation. If you experience pain and muscle spasms while walking, take CBD oil as its results are incredible.



Helps to Reduce Anxiety and Depression:

Anxiety and depression have a devastating impact on mental and physical wellbeing. Cbd oil has proved to be a promising component for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

It also safely treats insomnia in children with post-traumatic stress disorder. So use CBD oil to elevate your mood and improve social behavior.

Exhibits Neuroprotective Properties:

CBD oil provides benefits for combating neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis (MS) and epilepsy. The oral sprays containing CBD oil and THC are readily available in the market.

Clears Skin

Acne, a common issue among 9% of the population, can also be treated with the CBD essential oil.

CBD oil can reduce sebum production by exerting anti-inflammatory action, which ultimately prevents the activation of breakouts.

So this remarkable product is highly effective for the removal of your acne.

Myths about Raw Hemp Oil and CBD Oil

There are so many persistent misconceptions related to hemp oil and CBD oil; now, it's time to clear things.

Myth# 1: CBD Oil and Raw Hemp Oil Might Get You High

Unlike marijuana, both of these products lack the THC, which triggers the psychotropic reaction. However, before using these oils' products, carefully read the label, and ensure that the oils are pure.

Myth# 2: THC Will Show in the Person's Drug Test Results

Both hemp oil and CBD oil contain no more than 0.3% of the THC, which is the highest allowable percentage with no positive drug tests.

Contrary to this, if you take the adulterated oil products with more than 1.3% of the THC, it will definitely show up in the tests. So be cautious while buying!



Myth# 3: Cannabis Products Are Unsafe

The human body naturally produces cannabis-like molecules that regulate body balance and maintain the optimal concentration of cannabis products.

So if you overdose any of the oil, your system will maintain the homeostasis of the body. Moreover, cannabis containing products are quite prevalent throughout nature, like chocolate and pine trees. These are nontoxic even in the higher dose.

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Final Verdict

Hemp oil and CBD oil come from the Cannabis Sativa. This plant has different components; each has a changed effect on the body.

So the plant is not illegal, but the variety of its products containing a high concentration of THC like hashish oil is illegal.

Hemp oil is a superfood product rich in essential nutrients, while CBD oil is good for health disorders. So bust the myths around you and understand the true potential of hemp oil and CBD oil.

By Yoga Genic Life

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* DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is for educational purposes only. It does not exploit or provide medical advice of any kind. Therefore, any reliance you place on the information below is strictly at your own risk. Please check with your medical provider before starting or changing a CBD routine.



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