Best Kanabidiol Strains High in Potency (21)


Top Kanabidiol Strains

Are you overwhelmed with physical discomfort or stress? Looking for relief? Well, stop your search! Because we have found the natural CBD strains derived from the medical marijuana plant that will solve all your issues.

There are different strains, and some are very high in cannabidiol that cancels the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive compound. Such strains not only treat anxiety but also ease various other symptoms without getting you high.

The CBD strains are used worldwide for recreational and medicinal purposes. More and more people are getting informed about how beneficial the high CBD strains are.

You might be confused about choosing the perfect one for you. So in this blog post, we have researched different CBD strains. Read them carefully and choose the right one for yourself.

Let's get started!


A High CBD Strain- What Does It Mean?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-toxic cannabis molecule that has been used for multi-purposes. The low THC and high CBD strains are legalized all over the country. On our CBD strains list, all are cultivated for certain benefits.


The cannabis seeds with the high CBD strains and low THC alleviate the pain without any psychoactive effect. They also offer other benefits like combats

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Chronic pain

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Dementia

A clear indication of the high CBD strains is that they have circular marks in the leafy strain flower. Such Leafily strain will provide you with clear-headedness.


Top Picks Of High CBD Strains for Users

1. Moon Rocks CBD strain

Moon Rocks is a famous CBD strain as it contains a high amount of cannabidiol and shows the best medicinal effects.

You can enjoy a peaceful and relaxed state of mind with this strain without any adverse mental effects. Commonly the CBD strains contain less than 30 percent of the CBD; however, Moon Rocks comes with a 50 percent kanabidiol level.

If you often feel stressed or fatigued with chronic pain, you must give a try to Moon Rocks. Further, it’s smooth smoke also has the ability to overcome your poor appetite.


2. Charlotte's Web CBD strain

It's considered as the miraculous CBD strain, containing 17 percent of kanabidiol and minute traces of THC. Moreover, Charlotte's strain is rich in beta myrcene, bisabolol, or other terpenes. These give the sweet flavor and woodland like smell to the strain.

The Interesting History of Charlotte's Web

The strain first came in 2013 to let go of the stigma regarding the addictive use of cannabis. The strain was developed to help a girl named Charlotte Figi.

The girl was suffering from a rare condition known as Dravet syndrome, whose symptoms are similar to the severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI). By the age of 3, Charlotte had to face around 300 generalized tonic colonic seizers per week.

Charlotte's mother contacted the Stanley Brothers, who made efforts to make the high CBD strain by crossing over the medicinal marijuana with hemp.

Finally, they succeed in developing the CBD rich strain that made a considerable reduction in the seizers of the little angle.

These purported benefits of Charlotte's Web strain made it such popular that today; this has 35% of the CBD industry's market share.

Besides seizers, migraines, fatigue, arthritis, and fibromyalgia can also be cured by Charlotte Web.


3. Harlequin CBD Strain

The most widely available CBD strain is Harlequin. It maintains a consistent ratio of CBD/THC, i.e., 5:2. The lab tests suggest that the strain contains about 16 percent of kanabidiol, and THC is normally present in 4 to 7 percent.

This excellent blend of THC and CBD allows Harlequin to clear stress with mild euphoria. Once you use it, you will find the improvement in your daily activities.

This strain effectively combats different medical conditions such as pain, headache, stress, and anxiety. Harlequin exhibits an earthy smell with a citrus taste.

4. Cannatonic CBD Strain

The name indicates that cannatonic strain might induce sedation, but in reality, it is not sedative. The ratio of CBD and THC ranges from 1:1 to 5:1, which is highly moderate.

So if you are a smoker and you are looking for a mild-mannered strain, use this well-adjusted and balanced strain of medical marijuana.

The prominent terpenes present in Cannatonic are Myrcene, Limonene, and b-caryophyllene.


5. ACDC CBD stain

This strain is a hybrid of CBD and THC that are present in an equal quantity. Usually, 6 percent of THC is found in the 20 percent CBD version of ACDC. It may make you feel calm and relaxed, leading to euphoria.

It also allows you to get rid of inflammation, anxiety, migraines, neuropathy, chronic pain, bipolar disorder, and arthritis.

So if you have gone through chemotherapy or looking for a good choice to reduce the pain, then ACDC CBD strain is best.

The terpenes present in it are b-pinene, a-pinene, and b-caryophyllene.

Tip: Use it in the morning as it will keep you alert and focused for the whole day. You can also socialize much better after its use.

6. Dance World CBD strain

Another most popular CBD strain is a dance world. As the name indicates, the Dance World CBD strain can make you euphoric and happy when you are anxious or stressed.

It's best if you find it difficult to concentrate on one thing. Moreover, if you feel demotivated, give a try to this strain.

The strain has a sweet, earthy taste. Use Dance World and energize yourself without getting high.


Some Quick Tips to Make Your Strains Experience Safer

  • Choose the strain with low THC and start with a low amount.

  • If you smoke CBD, stop right away because CBD smoke contains carcinogenic agents, so to protect your lungs, use nonsmoking methods such as cannabis oils.

  • If you feel any high effects, don't drive for at least 6 hours.


The rapidly growing supplements in the market are the Cannabis high CBD strains that offer great medicinal benefits. These are the go-to remedy for stressed individuals.

These high CBD strains offer you the benefits of smoking weed with no high effect. You can use them to get the energy and deal with chronic pain at any time of the day.

Make sure that you share your experiences with these best strains in the comment section below.

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