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CBD Essential Oil

We chat with Sanne, a Nordic Oil ambassador from Denmark whose life has improved tremendously with her CBD routine.

Sanne, her boyfriend and her son live in Denmark. She was born with a nerve condition in her head and neck which, over the years, has resulted in intermittent pain.

Only in recent years, Sanne was able to accept the fact that she will more than likely experience severe headaches for the rest of her life.

We caught up with Sanne about her life with a nerve condition, how CBD has helped her and what her future looks like.


By: Nordic Oil
Title: Meet SANNE
Sourced From: nordicoil.com/blog/meet-sanne/
Published Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2021


Sanne, what led you to start taking CBD Essential Oil?

Many years ago, I found out that as a headache patient, the only treatment you can get is with pills – and we are talking about a lot of pills, daily! Because of my nerve disease, I had already gone through the experience that my body rejected everything. So I’ve always been scared of prescription medicine.

4 years ago I lost most of my feeling in my right leg and right side of the body.  I knew I had to do something if I didn’t want to end up in a wheelchair.

So I found a private hospital with specialized doctors, I started yoga classes and yoga treatments (I of course needed assistance getting on and off the mat), I started meditation and I started using CBD oil eventually as well – which has saved my life!

The products I tried in early days were often homemade and the taste was very unpleasant, so I’ve always been on the lookout for other brands, which is where Nordic Oil came in.


What does your daily routine look like at the moment? And how does CBD Essential Oil come into play?

I found that the 15% CBD Oil helps me a lot, so I take a few drops of that a few times a day. It gives relief to my nerves and helps my body to relax.

Since I started a regular CBD routine, my boyfriend tells me I sleep a lot better and seem more relaxed.

And, importantly, a good night’s sleep means that I can function better during the day! I’ve always suffered from muscle cramps, but these also seem to be easing now.

Aside from the oil, I’m also a huge fan of the acne cream (Valkyrie) which helps me a lot with outbreaks on my skin and still nourishes my skin, and the Nordic Cosmetics Lash & Brow Booster, Day and Night Cream have been absolute lifesavers for my skin, eyebrows and lashes!


Since we are talking about Women’s Week this March, has CBD Essential Oil helped you as a woman in particular?

As a nerve patient, you always have to face daily complications. You might know that feeling when a nerve gets pinched in your back and it hurts right down the leg or out into your very fingertips, right?

That’s the feeling, over and over and over again. All over the body. For me, this pain is particularly in my head. And this causes plenty of anxiety.

I’ve had so much anxiety on how to live with this, and I was really afraid. But then, I realised that I can do something about how I feel. Sure, I can’t change my situation, but I can change my mindset and try to be more positive.

Since I realized this, I’ve felt empowered in so many ways! I know I can have a beautiful healthy life, the way I’m born, and don’t need to feel like I’m missing out at all.

Nordic Oil has taught me that, even with all its challenges, life can be a wonderful thing, it just starts with doing what you can to look after yourself. It’s all about point of view – be happy with what you’ve got.

Since I’ve been using CBD, I’ve become a lot more conscious of how I treat and look after my body.

I’ve learnt that it’s important to live with what nature has given us; whatever your circumstances, we’re all beautiful in our own way.

The post Meet SANNE appeared first on Nordic Oil Blog.

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* DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is for educational purposes only. It does not exploit or provide medical advice of any kind.





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