CBD Therapy - Best Cannabis Strains For Camping 2021


CBD Therapy

There’s nothing quite like experiencing the great outdoors while nicely toasted on the perfect strain.

Now that we are coming back into the summer months the tents will be coming out and we may get to enjoy some social time in the great outdoors.

Cannabis and camping go together perfectly, but we need to make sure that we are picking the correct strain.

The wrong weed could end in a disastrous time, something that induces too much paranoia or anxiety, makes one too flat and sleepy, or anything that takes away from the fun of sleeping outside in the beautiful wilderness.

CBD Therapy - Green Crack

This speedy uplifting strain is perfect for hiking and camping. It not only lifts and focuses the mind, it also provides an energetic euphoria that can only improve the already beautiful scenes of a forest or mountain region.

She has a high THC content of 19 – 20% so probably best smoked with a companion just to be safe. It is perfect for chatting around the campfire at the end of a long walk, maybe with some delicious camping food.

The plants themselves are extremely impressive and produce large yields of dense, resin-coated buds.

The flavour and scent are a beautiful blend of citrus and sweetness with a velvety smoke that leaves the mouth-watering.

This strain has a flowering time of 58 – 65 days and will grow well indoors or outdoors.

9 Pound Hammer

This strain is for the end of the day, for those who might struggle a little sleeping outdoors.

I know that it can take me awhile to get to sleep while surrounded by the rustling and hooting of nature. 9 Pound Hammer is powerfully soporific, relaxing and long-lasting.

She was created by combining GooBerry, Hells OG, and Jack The Ripper. These strains are all famous in their own way and make a seriously impressive genetic bundle.

The flavour is a tasty blend of citrus, lemon, lime and melon with a little hint of sweet grape.

Smoking this strain puts anyone into a blissful, meditative state that is ideal for drinking in the majesty of nature. This strain has a flowering time of 50 – 60 days and can be grown indoors or outdoors.

North Thunderfuck

This is often considered one of the best strains for camping since it’s intensely uplifting and energetic.

Her high is hard-hitting and powerful with a legendary THC content of 23%. This is one for around the campfire, or at least not wandering too far from other people.

Newer smokers should be wary of this one, as she can bring on a touch of couch lock. This is the strain for when you’ve managed to set up camp somewhere really beautiful.

This strain is fantastic for enhancing the scenery and feeling a deep connection with nature.

However, be warned with this strain, she is so powerful that she can bring on severe anxiety and paranoia if she is overused.

She has a flowering time of 65 days and can be grown indoors or outdoors.



Jillybean is perfect for those who want something comfortable and middling. It is the perfect strain for happy relaxation, trotting through the woods, playing in a river, collecting firewood, basically all the best camping activities.

It is a fun uplifting strain but it is also clear and focused. This is great for those who just need a lift, but don’t necessarily want to get wrecked.

Her flavour is fruity and sweet, a combination of mango, apple and sugar with a hint of citrus.

Jillybean is also a particularly beautiful plant that towards the end of flowering takes on a stunning deep maroon and burgundy colour.

Her THC level is nice and low at 11% so it’s perfect for all levels of smokers. She has a flowering time of 8 weeks and will grow well both indoors and outdoors.

Harlequin CBD

Harlequin CBD is one of the most relaxing and soothing strains on the planet. She is predominantly a medicinal strain used by those who are suffering from anxiety, fibromyalgia, PTSD, stress, insomnia, Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis and chronic pain.

However, for recreational use, it’s just the perfect strain to relax and unwind in the great outdoors.

I think this would be THE strain to sit by the campfire and watch the sunset with a few friends. With this version the THC content is very low and the CBD very high, another great strain for altering mood without getting too messy.

This also means she is extremely unlikely to cause any sort of anxiety or paranoia. She has a flowering time of 53 – 63 days and will grow well indoors or outdoors.


King Louis XIII

This strain is deep relaxation in a plant, perfect for the last thing at night after campfire chatting and plenty of food. It has a high THC level of 19 – 22% so can be a little overpowered if it’s mishandled.

Lying back under the stars and just watching the night sky is pretty special already. However, add to it a deep and intense feeling of pure relaxation and you have yourself a special evening.

Again this strain is perfect for anyone who has trouble sleeping outdoors or in a tent. Even a sleeping bag will feel like cuddly, cosy luxury with a little bit of King Louis snuggled up with you.

She has a flowering time of 9 weeks and will grow well both indoors and outdoors.

Super Silver Haze

The final strain is a classic, much loved in the cannabis community. She is famous for her energetic, creative and uplifting high that is ideal for experiencing nature.

The effect is powerful and immediate with a giggly, social side to it that will massively boost the fun of camping with buddies.

Her THC content is insanely high at 25% but despite its intense potency it is often used as a medicinal strain.

It is perfect for anyone who is struggling with pain, depression or stress. This is a great hiking strain as it provides buckets of high powered energy.

She has a flowering time of 63 days and can be grown indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse.

Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries including the UK.  It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter.

The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.

The post Best Cannabis Strains For Camping first appeared on Cannabis Seeds News.

By: Gary Eff
Title: Best Cannabis Strains For Camping
Sourced From: www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/Cannabis-Seeds-News/best-cannabis-strains-for-camping
Published Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021

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